Last time I asked, is it better to cohabitate before marriage? Well this topic struck up in a conversation that I had with my girlfriends that are indeed happily married. One said, "If I would have known the type of man my husband is before I married him I would have lived with him first". I asked her why because this is one marriage that looks like it was meant to be. Well not to speak her business and I am not but I will say, and this is from her mouth, "he is lazy and sloppy and does not do anything in the house".
This link talks about the percentage of couples that are living together before marriage. One of the reasons that statistics show that it is better to cohabitate is because its a good way to save money. This I can agree with but being married, couples can still save money it is no difference. Now these statistics were from 80's to 90's, in my opinion we are in what 2009, I believe the numbers are even higher because this idea to alot of men is like this, some men feel that if they live with a woman the woman is not going to be concerned with being committed by marriage, that living together is enough for us we do not need to go any futher, well BS thats how I feel.
Now take a look at this article, it will help with some ideas of what to look for if you are a couple living together before marriage.
This article ," Should We Cohabitate Before Marriage?" it talks about religious reasons about cohabitating but it also points out other reasons to live together before getting married. Well I am not against living together before marriage, for real, but for me I really must know the man before I can accept any type of committment because, I was in a long term relationship in which I thought that this man would committ to me turns out he had been committed aight with two children, so you see this type of thing did not make me bitter but it made me aware not to fall for some BS that any type of man can bring to me so ladies WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!
This link talks about the percentage of couples that are living together before marriage. One of the reasons that statistics show that it is better to cohabitate is because its a good way to save money. This I can agree with but being married, couples can still save money it is no difference. Now these statistics were from 80's to 90's, in my opinion we are in what 2009, I believe the numbers are even higher because this idea to alot of men is like this, some men feel that if they live with a woman the woman is not going to be concerned with being committed by marriage, that living together is enough for us we do not need to go any futher, well BS thats how I feel.
Now take a look at this article, it will help with some ideas of what to look for if you are a couple living together before marriage.
This article ," Should We Cohabitate Before Marriage?" it talks about religious reasons about cohabitating but it also points out other reasons to live together before getting married. Well I am not against living together before marriage, for real, but for me I really must know the man before I can accept any type of committment because, I was in a long term relationship in which I thought that this man would committ to me turns out he had been committed aight with two children, so you see this type of thing did not make me bitter but it made me aware not to fall for some BS that any type of man can bring to me so ladies WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!
I could definately relate to this. I too had been in a similar situtation.