Last I commented on one of the articles I picked and it was about a woman that wrote about can women trust a husband after he cheated, this raised an eyebrow, my mother always told me to fight for your husband not for your boufriend, that stood with me throughout all these years reason be is that she did fight for her husband even though my father cheated on her. now i was young so I did not know or think about it, my mom came to tell me when I got older and my dad had past on. In this article Dr. Gail Saltz, she is a Today, CNBC Contributer, she advises a young lady that did catch her dad but by snooping. She tells her that it is not her business to tell her mom, Question would you tell your mom your dad is cheating? Hell yeah I would and I would confront him first. I do not care if my mom would get hurt, im hurting because I know so we both going to hurt and get over it.
Unlike my last blog my mom did forgive my dad after all, but she told me also that made her a strong woman and I realized growing up especially when my dad became ill how much he neede my mom and my mom stuck by him till the very end and believe it or not my mom stood by herself not wanting no other man.
This is something to think about because we are from a different generation that does not take any crap, now how would we handle this had it been us in this situation, unlike my mom forgiveness, she forgave my dad and managed to stay by his side and mind you my mom was a stasy at home mom never had to work and did everything to hold it down, I always admire that about her, toughness.
This article is about woman asking the question, "Women who have been cheated on and forgave thier husbands or boyfriends?" some of the comments are not as surprising as you would think.