Last I spoke about scorned men and that I have one. Let me briefly explain about the reasons, well first he was engaged years ago but she messed it up and was with someone else. They say that they are two sides to every story well for the matter you can never change a h-- into a housewife. The second well something similar but like I said before there are two sides but I witnessed a phone call and boy it put thoughts in my ear. So when I met this man he had explain to me why he tatooed those two years on his wrists, it is because he was really hurt. You know what I told him Jesus if tatooed all the times I was hurt, boy my whole body would be covered. Well as you can see how much this will have a man say or do. When a man is scorned it is very hard for them to open up to another woman, in my case it is driving me crazy but I could not take it anymore so i had to leave him. I did everything to show this man how much I love him but it just was not enough. Believe it or not he calls me every now and then but then backs down. It pisses me off with him up until a couple of weeks ago that I told him I am not playing any games, he try to tell me that the things I told him havent settled so it is what it is. do you know how much i hate that saying "it is what it is", so I just plainly without even getting all upset and told him to stop feeling like that and call me when he is ready to really open up with me well its been what about 2 weeks and nothing so as for me I am moving on and staying as single as I can.
Girl you did the right thing to let the guy know that you are not a force to be reckoned with. I do agree that men who are scorned no longer feel the need to open up to women, because they, at this point, feel that all women are the same. Let him find his way and realize his mistakes on his own, you are not his mother nor are you compelled to do anything for him. Why because it is what it is!!!